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FAQ's & Support

Q. Why version 1.10 & 1.09? Why not version 1.11?
A. Simply put, the server is action 5 server daemons, PvPGN, BnetD, D2CS, D2DBS, D2GS. All of these EXCEPT D2GS work with 1.11. To date, they have no released a copy which works with 1.11, but one is supposedly in the works.

Q. Do you allow maphacks?
A. Sure! Unlike Blizzard we don't care about maphacks.

Q. Do you allow botting?
A. IP botting is pointless as there are only a few IP's planned. Item botting, we would prefer no more then 2 bots per person since it does lag the server down.

Q. How many connections are we allowed?
A. At current, 3.

Q. Is this legal?
A. uhmmm ... don't ask, don't tell.

Q. Can you import my realm character or single player character?
A. Yes and no. We can not import a realm character as the only method we know of was blocked by Battle.net. We are willing however to recreate your realm character on our realm provided you can provide screen shots of the gear, stats, skills, etc... so that we can accurately duplicate the character. We can also directly import single player and open Battle.net characters into our realm. Please note, we will NOT import ANY characters into our ladder.