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Server Connection Help

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#1 breazy

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 11:47 AM

This is what happens when I try connecting:

* Connecting to irc.dcloneirc.net (6667)
-thedarkside.dcloneirc.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-thedarkside.dcloneirc.net- *** Found your hostname
-thedarkside.dcloneirc.net- *** You are permanently banned from DCloneIRC (no reason)
Closing Link: breazy[cpe-**-**-***-**.xxxxx.xxx.xx.com] (User has been permanently banned from DCloneIRC (no reason))

Sorry is if this a really newbie problem, but I'm stumped.  : /

#2 Nomad

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 08:01 PM

What kind of connection do you have?  If you have cable or DSL and your ISP dynamically assigns your IP, then that might be the problem.

When ISP's dynamically assign an IP, then it's possible that the IP you are currently on was being used by someone else who also uses the same ISP and they were banned while that IP was assigned to them.  That's the problem with banning IP addresses, if they are dynamically assigned, you can never truly ban someone permanently since they will get a new IP when they reconnect to their ISP.  All that ends up happening, is anyone who gets assigned to that IP is banned even when they're innocent...

IP banning is a stone-age process.  mIRC really needs to update it's banning methods, since we are no longer in a "dial-up" age when IP's weren't assigned dynamically on connection.

My advice is to unplug your modem, turn off your computer, wait a couple minutes, re-connect and restart your modem, then restart your computer.  If you are still banned, then you must have a static IP address.  If you do have a static IP address and it wasn't you that did something to get banned, then someone must have hi-jacked your IP and got it banned.  I don't know what to tell you in that case, maybe try contacting your ISP about it.

There are other methods, but I'm not at liberty to discuss those methods since most of them are not exactly legal, and I like my freedom. ;)

Nomad :hunter:

#3 BreCalmor

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Posted 07 August 2006 - 03:48 PM

Also, hopefully and admin/op will see this and check the ban logs to see if you are the offender or an innocent bystander.

Lets see what happens and if not, pm me and I will ask around next time I am on IRC.
